Thursday, August 21, 2014

Intermountain Healthcare (IHC)

So disappointed with their Phone reps or 1 in particular in their financial services. I just called can't remember the gal's name and to be honest not sure she even said what her name was.  Anyhow i simply was calling just to report that i would be making a payment on a couple of my accounts i would be making a appointment in the morning or tomorrow. The lady was SNIPPY as hell!, she was spending some good time talking over me but, that is not the worse part the worse part in my view is when she started to seemingly raise her tone of voice (at least it seemed that way to me), started getting argumentitive and making me feel like a piece of crap and trash. She going on about a new date of service that came in 6 days ago when i did not care about that. I just wanted to make it known i was going to be making a payment(S) tomorrow. Also going on something about collections. NOT WHAT I CALLED for. She assumed and was assuming i was asking to be put on a payment plan when i was not. I know how the system works. Remarks like "Ok well i am just trying to do my job" "And i am just trying to accomplish explaining how things work" blah blah blah and not really listening or giving a damn about what i as a customer was saying and fulfilling my request of notating an account about a payment. She in my opinion was unprofessional, insubordnate etc. So disappointing!!! and another thing disappoint OVERALL is that these people are unwilling to set people up on payment plans without payments less than $25 to start. Seriously disappointing and we as the paitents have struggles financially and we need help and if we didn't need help we would not request a payment plan.  think things need to be implemented and changed in those ways. Just sayin

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